No Tears!

Shed not a tear for me,
for I am no hero, you see.
I am just a child of God,
yet I don’t know why.
I do know that it is plain to see,
that God really does care for me.
He has shown me the light,
soon I’ll be by his side, maybe tonight.
I have trusted you as a friend,
but I’ll be with God in the end.
I can only hope that I have done well,
Because I’m looking at heaven as a new place to dwell.
If I could and I would, I’d carry the burden of your souls with me when I am gone. I would free you from your suffering and sadness, only to fill you with gladness. But as a human I cannot do these things for you, I can only do what it is I do, I can pray for you, as I knee for you. I can feel your pain and suffering time and time again. I can hope that you feel what I feel in Gods hands because we are all part of his plan.
Written by Miss Bobbie Jean, now sharing this dream of a better tomorrow.
One day you will be free to be what you want to be, but you have to make that first step, no one can do that for you. Be strong, show your true colors for all to see. That is why I became me.
God and Transgenders Stand Together.
© 2015 – 2016 Living transgender All rights reserved

The Wondering!


As I sit here I cannot help but wonder if there are things I could have done better.

The thing about knowing when one will die kinda changes things, make one have the time to think about all the things in life that they have done for the good of man kind. As human beings, it is our place to teach those that follow us to live a better life. One may find themselves asking, did I do enough? Will that is where I am at now. Did I do everything that was in my power to do. I tried everyday to teach others about being different, about being human, everyone has feelings and words can hurt, no matter how softy they are spoken.

I have always tried to do the right thing no matter what the end result might be. For what I believe in I have found to be sincere and honest. I have learned from my mistakes to make a better world to live in for those that follow me in this place. To be kind and respectful to others just as I would have them treat me. To never judge a book by it’s cover because the real story behind it may be something different indeed.

I sit and wonder what would my life have been like it I would have ever changed, maybe it would have been better by societies standards, but by they were not by mine.

The thing I don’t wonder about anymore is the fact as to whether or not God loves me, because I know for sure he does.

I do wonder about what would heaven be like, but I am sure that a lot of people wonder about that one. The thing about wondering is that it can get to you and make you feel down, never allow yourself to get that deep into it. I used to wonder about how others will remember me, but I don’t fear that anymore, because I feel that I have done all I can do to make myself public to anyone that want to see me and what it is I do. I am proud of the person that I turned out to be. It does not matter about anything else now, because I cannot and will not change for society, they’ll just have to take me as I am.

So if you are wondering whether I am doing ok, well this is the stage of death that I am at in my life. Oh, and it is true about the life passing before ones eyes, that is everyday thing for me now.

I love to be different because that is what I am.

Written by a wondering person with an open mind.

By Miss Bobbie Jean with a dream of a better tomorrow.

God and Transgenders Stand Together.

© 2015 – 2016 Living transgender All rights reserved

My Hero


Today I would like to thank my caregiver for being here for me. When I cannot reach out to get something or to even fix a cup of coffee, she has been there for me. In the middle of the night when I need to get up because I cannot breath anymore she is there. When I am having a bad day and cannot move she is there for me. Even though there are times when she cannot leave my side because things are so bad that I might not make it through the day she is there for me. Even when I treat her like shit she is there for me. So for her I thank her for the time out of her life that she has given to me. She is my hero because even if it makes her feel that I have taken part of her life away from her she is still there for me. It takes a real good hearted person to be a good care giver and she is tops in my book.
Miss Bobbie Jean

A Flower Of Life!


Life is like a flower, it blooms and shows it’s beauty, but when the bloom is done, the plant still lives on. I will live on through you, you are my plant, so just because I will not be able to bloom anymore, I will still be with you.
I don’t ask for anything here, but support from my friends. Sometimes I do not comment on my post after I have posted it, but I do read all the comments that are left for me to see and they mean a lot to me, just don’t know how to answer some of them.
I would like to thank those of you that really care about me, I have always had this fear of dying alone, will because of you and what has happen here I am not alone anymore. I don’t have a family that cares for me and anytime someone has tried to be my friend in real life, others think that they are gay or something like that, so I don’t have any real friends here where I have lived for 30 years of my life, but because of the internet I can have friends and family all over the world. So let me thank you all for being my friend, it is important that ones dies with friends.

Thought for today!
Sometimes in life a friend is found in the strangest places and you just haven’t looked their way, to let them shine on your day, so look around you, maybe today is that day you will look their way.

Written by Miss Bobbie Jean sharing a dream of a better tomorrow.

All lives matter, not just yours.

An Army!

On one can be strong alone it takes a army of people behind them, giving them the courage and the power to move mountains, to make a difference in someone else’s life not of their own. Someone that can stand tall before you all and say I am “ME” and that is all you will ever see.

Written by Miss Bobbie Jean

For You!

The courage that I show,
comes from you, you know.
the blessing that I have received,
I get from God, as he pleased.
The dreams that I have are mime,
to look back on from time to time.
If just one of those dreams were to come true,
“feel the joy,” that is all that is left for me to do.
Please forgive me for writing about sorrow,
but for me there may be no tomorrow.
I write what I feel,
because I want to keep it real.
Trying to make this world a better place,
just for us to share as a human race.
A place where gender, color or any other be called,
a place where we all can stand tall.
For this I thank you all, because even if I can’t stand at all, I am still standing tall.
Written by Miss Bobbie Jean.. sharing a dream.



Why is it that God has given us this beautiful place we call Earth and our home?
Man has hunted for years upon years for another place where we could live and move forward yet they have not found any such place, so why does man continue to destroy this world that we all need to be sharing as one.
I believe that God has given us this world as for us to grow and be ready for our time with him. He wants us to share in his eternal life and sit by his side in the heavens above. We would not have like it if it were dark and all gray, instead it is full of beauty and the light shines down from the heavens to show us the way. It is a place where we can grow and become one with our creator, but first we must become one with ourselves, we have to know that it is only in our power to change things for the better, if mankind does not stand together, all will fall for that. It does not matter where one is from or even who you are, what matters is this world that we all have to and need to be sharing with each other. Man has try for thousands of years to destroy this plant by overpowering his enemy, well hows has that been working for them. Maybe it is time to change the way things are done. Try caring and helping, by sharing and giving, makes you a better person and if people are happy they tend to move forward.

Though for today.
So all in all I believe that one should take the time to “smell the rose’s” because with out them there would be no life.

I know that some of you just think that I am nothing, well maybe in your eyes I am, but in my eyes I see hope and love, understanding and forgiveness, I see a world full of such beauty like man has never seen, you see I know I am going to heaven when my time ends here, because I have already served my time in hell. I have seen many things in my life, death and hunger, but at the same time I have seen life and joy. This is a hard world we live in, but it is for us to make it better for those that follow us, that will one day walk in our foot steps. I can only say that I hope that I have left some foot steps to walk in.

Thank you

Written by Miss Bobbie Jean..with a dream.

To Believe!

All my life I have looked for God through the churches and in religions , when I have found that God doesn’t need to live in a church, he is everywhere and anywhere. I have sinned just like anyone else, but I have always talked to God about what I had done and ask for his forgiveness and understanding that I would do everything in my power to not do that again. Sometimes what someone calls a sin, is not in someone else eyes, because the rules have changed so much. A sin is only a sin if it is against Gods rules, not society’s rules. I have found that even in my darkest hours that God was still with me. He was there to give me strength and knowledge to move forward and learn from what had happen, to see just how cruel and hard life can be like so that I could feel the pain that others have had to endure, just for being different. God has given me a good life, and I thank him for that even though things got bad at times. The way I have looked at my life is that each time that my life should have ended he allowed me to to pull through the worst and try again, I would say that he was watching over me so if being a transwoman is such a sin then would he not have just let me die and go to hell? All my life I have wanted to be a woman, a writer, and a teacher, those were my goals in this life that God allowed me to be born in, well I have lived my life as a woman, I have written and punished 15 books and I have taught others about being different, so he has given me everything I could have hoped for, so why would I not believe that he will be there for me when my time ends here?
Look, I for one knows that life is not this prefect world that everyone wants to live in, life is for real and we only have one shot at it, when it is done that’s it, there are no do overs or back buttons here. All you can do is your best and God will help you with the rest.
Love you all, Things is getting worst for me here, there are more bad days then good ones now. Each day I have to deal with the fact that it could be my last one, makes me not want to fall asleep at night. this is the time that I need to be the strongest I can be, not just for me, but for you to see, never give up on hopes and dreams, because that is what you were made up from in the first place, someones hopes and dreams…….
Miss Bobbie Jean
“Society may try to take everything away from you, but they cannot take away your dreams.”

God’s Way!

I love you, it is because of you I have done the things I do…..
To be different is to be special, because people that are different have this beauty inside them that only some people can see. To be one of those people, you must have a kind heart and an open mind. To be one of those people one must have the ability to see with their hearts and not just with their eyes. To be able to share ones life with a person that is different sometimes can and will be hard, but your love for this person will make it all wroth while in the end. In today’s world and time, it is hard to help someone because of being judged for it, Let he not be your judge for only God can judge you, do what is right in Gods eyes, not mankind’s eyes, because sometimes men walk with blinders on.

Love thy neighbor like you would love thyself.

Miss Bobbie Jean


Being Real!

Everyday I see a lot of crap about the LGBT community and about people like Bruce Jenner, being so brave and doing so much to inspire others. I have lived as a woman here in the deep south teaching others about what we are and that we are not the monsters that we are made out to be. I have stood for half of my life fighting for my rights to live my life the way it was best for me. I have done this without any kind of help for any community and I did not live my life as a lie then all of a sudden drop a bombshell over peoples head. Till this day the only support that I have ever gotten from anyone is in the friends that I have met here. But here in the real world things are different I have to deal with people face to face and I am still hated just for being me and wearing the clothes that make me who I am. I am not trying to say that I am some kind of hero or anything like that I just feel like it was those of us that made a stand and fought everyday of our lives to make this a better place for trans people. Everyday I see where a trans gender has been murderer just for being a trans, that is the kind of fear that we have to deal with everyday. people like Bruce Jenner will never have to live in a life of fear. There are place’s where I am still not allowed in to shop or eat, because I am a trans. I’ll bet Bruce can go anywhere he wants to go. Oh and I call him Bruce and he, because this person did not want to ever become a women till he needed a new way to make money.


Though for today. Believe in what is in your heart and always let the world see the truth about who you really are because anything else is just a lie.

Bobbie Jean